A complete hairline and sideburn with Micro Shading

Jun 20, 2022

There are people who are looking for a solution for their hair loss or baldness at the hairline or side profiles (the sideburns).

A visible hairline and sideburn can ensure that you have a confident look again and can look younger.

With Micro Hair Pigmentation or Micro Shading you can camouflage and fill the bald spots along your hairline or in your sideburns very nicely. This Micro Shading or Micro Hair Pigmentation technique makes it possible to fill in the bald spots so that your scalp is no longer clearly visible and the structure of your hairline or sideburns is complete again.

Micro Shading can also be applied to a bare crown or over the entire head if there is Alopecia.

This treatment also consists of at least 3 sessions with an interval of about 2 weeks.

The recovery after a Micro Shading treatment is very fast.

Micro Shading is also a semi-permanent solution. That means that the result will fade at some point. At that moment you can opt for a touch-up.

A complete hairline and sideburn with Micro Shading
A complete hairline and sideburn with Micro Shading 2