Where to do a Micro Hair Pigmentation Treatment

Aug 3, 2021

Scalp Micropigmentation SMP or also called hairtattoo is a relative unknown treatment worldwide.

This treatment can provide a solution for men and women who suffer from baldness, excessive hair loss or some form of Alopecia.

Scars from a hair transplant or accident can also be camouflaged.

Because Micro Hair Pigmentation is so unknown, it is very important that you orient yourself well.

Search the internet and websites. Check the reviews and ask for a free intake interview. Also ask for a portfolio of the specialist’s work.

For example, if specialists indicate that they have 3 years of experience, that doesn’t mean anything. It’s about the number of treatments. If someone has done 4 treatments a year, you can assume that this person does not have enough experience to achieve a perfect result.

Also make sure that the specialist has a GGD permit, is insured and whether he is registered with the Chamber of Commerce. If someone is not registered with the Chamber of Commerce, you can assume that you are not dealing with a professional.

So be well informed before choosing a specialist.

Unfortunately, I regularly see people who have been to a specialist who does not master this technique and then sometimes I have to refer them for laser treatment.